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Road Map

The Journey of E.T Meme Revolution

Q3, 2023
Telegram, Twitter - Get ready for the hype train with a strong and engaged E.T community.
Q3, 2023
Spread the word about E.T with a comprehensive marketing campaign. Let's go viral!
Q3, 2023
To avoid unfair tokens distribution, fair and square.
Q3, 2023
Launch $ET token on Uniswap with ample liquidity and accessibility. Trade with ease.
Q3, 2023
Collaborate with meme creators, influencers, and content platforms. Let's join forces and spread the E.T movement!
Q3, 2023
Level up our trading game with listings on established CEXs. Reach more people.
Q4, 2023
Take the ET meme revolution mainstream. Media, influencers, and popular platforms, we're coming for you!
Q4, 2023
Aim for high market capitalization. Let's show the world the true power of E.T meme!
Q4, 2023
Get listed on top-tier CEXs. Boost liquidity, and accessibility.